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Blog: What the Planned Parenthood Fight Is Really About

Blog: What the Planned Parenthood Fight Is Really About

There used to be a commonplace phrase heard in the ‘80s and ‘90s about Conservative Republicans: “They only care about the child before it’s born.” What it referred to, of course, was the idea that they were focused only on eliminating the right to abortion to save the unborn child, but they wanted to slash social programs that would help families stay out of poverty once the child was born. I hea...

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Blog: Casual Slut Shaming

Blog: Casual Slut Shaming

Although in some ways I have probably become less radical in my thinking as I have gotten older, there are other ways in which I am apparently more so–or maybe just less likely to ignore comments that I consider offensive. If you pay attention at all, some form of “slut-shaming” is pervasive, even among those who very likely would not see themselves as doing so. Two recent examples involved ...

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